Sunday, September 4, 2011

Copyright Crash Course

Copyright6340.66 a canales
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I must say the reading for this assignment was intense! I thought it was just me my brain wasn't working but my husband took a stab at it and gave up shortly after. The reading took time because I had to reread a lot of things over again. I finally asked my husband to read some portions to me so I can listen and take notes. It was then I finally was able to make sense and pick out what I thought were the most important parts. I even went to the actual website to get a better understanding of some of the topics mentioned in the readings. It was very interesting to see how the copyright laws work, how they have evolved over the years, and what changes need to come. I agreed with the reading when it mentioned many people don't understand the copyright laws out there especially dealing with the internet. A lot of people don't realize that everything on the web is protected by copyright laws because how easily accessible works are online. I also found it interesting how the Teacher Act is different for different classroom sceneries. If its face-to-face you have a lot more freedom than you would if you teach distant students online and the how we are protected with what we give our students in class rather than outside. To me this was a very important assignment not only to complete but understand. As an educator to know these laws and make sure to abide by them as well in order to protect myself and my career.

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